We hereby notify the conference participants that the deadline for submitting your papers has been extended to February 1st, 2025. We will inform you of further technical details regarding the publication of conference proceedings soon!

Unfit to rule – Book of abstracts (PDF)


13. October 2022 · Categories: Programme

Final programme (PDF)

Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81328150712?pwd=RWZBS1pjSDZwWFpFRVNDRmQ5VDRUUT09

Meeting ID: 813 2815 0712
Passcode: 441294


 The arrival of the participants

17:00  Registration – room 241, “Forvm Romanvm”

18:00  Guided tour of the centre of Belgrade (Boulevard of King Aleksandar, Saint Mark’s church, the Parliament building, Terazije square, Prince Mihailo Street, the Belgrade Fortress – Kalemegdan)


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14. July 2022 · Categories: Programme

Preliminary programme (PDF)


Arrival of the participants

17:00 Registration

18:00 Guided tour of the centre of Belgrade (details TBA) More »

We are opening an additional call for papers for a special student session, in order to allow aspiring young researchers to take part in the conference. This call is open to undergraduate students of all disciplines relevant to the conference theme, and will be open until June 15th, 2022. Applicants will be informed if their applications have been accepted by the end of June. In all other respects, the conditions remain the same as in the main call for papers.


Given the interest expressed in the conference by the academic public, as well as the ongoing holiday season, we have decided to extend the deadline for applications until January 31st, 2022.

Send your abstracts to un-fit.to.rule@ius.bg.ac.rs – we’re looking forward to them!

And merry Christmas and happy New year to you all!

The University of Belgrade Faculty of Law

is opening a
for the international conference

(Un)fit to rule: themes of acceptance and rejection of rulers throughout history 

to be held on October 26th-28th, 2022

In 2022, it will be 700 years since King Stefan Uroš III Dečanski ascended the Serbian throne in 1322. It was not a simple succession, though: he had unsuccessfully rebelled against his father, King Stefan Uroš II Milutin in 1314, and, as punishment, he was blinded and exiled. He was thus believed no longer to be a candidate for the throne, but his vision was ‘miraculously’ restored and he managed to conquer the throne after his father’s death. This anniversary presents an occasion for a comparative overview of requirements for a ruler – or, from a different angle, circumstances that made a person unfit to take the throne or govern a country.

Physical and mental disabilities, gender, religion and nationality, even such intangible issues as personal charisma and honour, could be and have been disqualifying circumstances in various countries and periods, that either prevented a person from ascending a throne or, upon emerging during one’s rule, led to their overthrow. Yet what was a legally binding disqualification in one legal system could be a mere practical inconvenience in another, and no serious obstacle at all in a third. Numerous examples can be found, and it is their analysis and comparison that is the aim of this conference. For more information, please consult the full Call for Papers at the conference webpage (http://wp2008.ius.bg.ac.rs/un-fit-to-rule/call-for-papers/) and Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/un.fit.to.rule.2022/.

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