28. October 2014 · Comments Off on Lectures of Prof. Dr Jean Pradel · Categories: Uncategorized

Professor Jean Pradel, one of the leading French and European comparativists, will visit Faculty of Law

in Belgrade in the last week of October 2014. On that occasion prof. Pradel will give two interesting lectures.

The first lecture will be given on October 28th 2014. at 14:00 on the theme “Droit pénal européen et droits pénaux nationaux”(European Criminal Law and National Criminal Laws).

The second lecture will be given on October 29th 2014. at 14:00 on the theme “Leçon inaugurale à un cours de droit pénal comparé” (Introduction into Comparative Criminal Law).

Professor Jean Pradel will be awarded an honorary plaque of the Serbian Society for Criminal Law Theory and Practice.