10. January 2025 · Comments Off on XVII Belgrade Open Pre-Moot – Registration is Now Open! · Categories: Announcement, Pre-moot

Dear friends and colleagues,

The XVII Belgrade Open Pre-Moot will take place on weekend of 5-6 April 2025, and will be preceded by XV Belgrade Arbitration Conference on 4 April 2025. As in the past, the event is supported by the German Arbitration Institute (DIS).

Registration for the event is now open. If you would like to take part at the XVII Belgrade Open Pre-Moot, please fill in your details in this Event Registration Form by 3 March 2025 at the latest. The number of participating teams will be limited to 64.

The XVII Belgrade Open Pre-Moot will take form of an in-person event. Remote or hybrid hearings will not be organized.

Please note that the non-refundable registration fee is 120 EUR per team. Registration can be paid via wire transfer upon receipt of instructions for payment from the organizers.

If you have any questions regarding the status of your registration, please contact the organizers via e-mail.

Registration is also open for arbitrators. Please fill out the registration form available here by 27 March 2025 at the latest.

We would appreciate if all team coaches travelling to Belgrade also fill out this form. We will ensure that they are not scheduled to arbitrate when their team is pleading, unless otherwise indicated.

We are looking forward to having you here in April.

Kind regards,
Belgrade Pre-Moot Organizing Board

11. March 2024 · Comments Off on Update on Academic and Social Program of XVI Belgrade Open Pre-Moot · Categories: Announcement, Pre-moot

The final Program for our XIV Belgrade Arbitration Conference is now available  here.

There is no registration requirement. Just make sure that you arrive on time at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law, Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 67 on 15 March 2024.

The Conference starts at 13:15h in amf. V at the Faculty.

As you will see from the program, the Conference topics include some of the legal issues pertinent for this year’s Moot problem, and numerous prominent speakers from different parts of the world.

The official opening of the Pre-Moot will take place right after the completion of the third conference panel (on new claims and consolidation in arbitration (!)) in amf V. We are looking forward to welcoming 56 teams from 24 different countries and 300 arbitrators for the event.

Registration for the Pre-Moot will start on the same day in the entrance hall of the Faculty from 16h to 19:30h. The teams will receive their ID cards as well as the coupons for the subsequent cocktail that will be organized in restaurant Berliner, which is within 5 minutes walking distance from the Faculty. Drinks and catering therein is sponsored by our partner and co-organizer the DIS. Please note that coupons are required for free drinks.

The pre-moot rounds will take place over the weekend from 11, 15 and 17h, according to your team schedules. Please note that the team schedule is subject to changes that will be regularly published and updated at our website. The location of hearing rooms can be accessed here.

Please note that some of the hearing venues are not at the Faculty, but instead in the premises of our organizing partners – Belgrade law firms.

On Saturday, March 16, starting from 17h – there is an under-40 event on Arbitration Backstage: How to Choose, Prepare and Cross-Examine Fact and Expert Witnesses – Standards and Trends organized by our Arbitration Association under-40 section in cooperation with DIS. Details of the event, as well as registration form can be accessed here.

On Saturday evening our famous pre-moot party organized by Moravčević, Vojnović and partners in cooperation with Schoenherr will take place. The tickets for the party will be handed out on Saturday at the Faculty of Law. Please make sure that you get your team tickets on time, as this is an invitation only event and cannot be accessed without the ticket.

Arbitrators are also invited to two events during the lunch break over the weekend, organized by our sponsoring law firms Wolf Theiss and SOG/Kinstellar.

On Sunday afternoon, starting from 13h,  there will be an additional education event organized for students during the lunch break at Moravčević, Vojnović and partners in cooperation with Schoenherr offices. Speakers from four different jurisdictions will share their experiences during #YoungITATalksWhat comes after the Vis Moot: Starting steps in practicing arbitration. The program and registration information is available here.

For Sunday evening we have reserved, like in the past, Red bar in Skadarlija district. You can meet your pre-moot friends there and celebrate the successful completion of the pre-moot.


We are looking forward to seeing you soon!


19. January 2024 · Comments Off on XVI Belgrade Open Pre-Moot · Categories: Pre-moot

Dear friends and colleagues,

The XVI Belgrade Open Pre-Moot will take place on weekend of 16-17 March 2024, and will be preceded by XIV Belgrade Arbitration Conference on 15 March 2024.

The XVI Belgrade Open Pre-Moot will take form of an in-person event. Remote or hybrid hearings will not be organized.

Registration for the event is now open. If you would like to take part at the XVI Belgrade Open Pre-Moot, please fill in your details in this Event Registration Form by 15 February 2024 at the latest. The number of participating teams will be limited to 64. If you have any questions regarding the status of your registration, please contact the organizers via e-mail.

Please note that the non-refundable registration fee is 100 EUR per team. Registration can be paid via wire transfer upon receipt of instructions for payment from the organizers.

Many thanks for your interest in our event.

We are looking forward to having you here in March.

Kind regards,
Belgrade Pre-Moot Organizing Board

20. March 2023 · Comments Off on Update on Academic and Social Program of XV Belgrade Open Pre-Moot · Categories: Announcement, Pre-moot

The Program for our XIII Belgrade Arbitration Conference is now finalized and can be accessed here.

There is no registration requirement. Just make sure that you arrive on time at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law, Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 67 on 24 March 2023.

The Conference starts at 13h in amf. V at the Faculty.

As you will see from the program, the Conference topics include some of the legal issues pertinent for this year’s Moot problem.

We also have the honor to have Prof. Dr. Stefan Kroell with us as a key note speaker. The official opening of the Pre-Moot will take place right after his speech in amf V.

Registration for the Pre-Moot will start on the same day in the entrance hall of the Faculty from 16h to 19:30h. The teams will receive their ID cards as well as the coupons for the subsequent cocktail that will be organized in restaurant Berliner, which is within 5 minutes walking distance from the Faculty. Drinks and catering therein is sponsored by our partner and co-organizer the DIS. Please note that coupons are required for free drinks.

The pre-moot rounds will take place over the weekend from 11, 15 and 17h, according to your team schedules. The location of hearing rooms can be accessed here.

Please note that some of the hearing venues are not at the Faculty, but instead in the premises of our organizing partners – Belgrade law firms.

On Saturday, March 25, starting from 18h – there is an under-40 event organized by our Arbitration Association under-40 section in cooperation with ASA. Details of the event, as well as registration form can be accessed here.

To stay on top of recent technological tools for lawyers and join the social audio app built for young lawyers, please read the letter of our sponsor Platforum9 and reserve your spot at this new platform.

On Saturday evening our famous pre-moot party organized by Moravčević, Vojnović and partners in cooperation with Schoenherr will take place at the Belgrade City Museum at Resavska 40b (also within the walking distance from the Faculty). The tickets for the party will be handed out on Saturday at the Faculty of Law. Please make sure that you get your team tickets on time, as this is an invitation only event and cannot be accessed without the ticket. For glimpse of an atmosphere from our past event check out the party IG page.

For Sunday evening we have reserved, like in the past, Red bar in Skadarlija district. You can meet your pre-moot friends there and celebrate the successful completion of the pre-moot.

We are looking forward to seeing you soon!


16. January 2023 · Comments Off on XV Belgrade Open Pre-Moot · Categories: Announcement, Pre-moot

Dear friends and colleagues,

The XV Belgrade Open Pre-Moot will take place on weekend of 25-26 March 2023, and will be preceded by XIII Belgrade Arbitration Conference on  24 March 2023.

The XV Belgrade Open Pre-Moot will take form of an in-person event. Remote or hybrid hearings will not be organized.

Registration for the event is now open. If you would like to take part at the XV Belgrade Open Pre-Moot, please fill in your details in this Event Registration Form by 20 February 2023 at the latest. The number of participating teams will be limited to 64. If you have any questions regarding the status of your registration, please contact the organizers via e-mail.

Please note that the non-refundable registration fee is 100 EUR per team. Registration can be paid via wire transfer upon receipt of instructions for payment from the organizers. 

Many thanks for your interest in our event.

We are looking forward to having you here in March.

Kind regards,

Belgrade Pre-Moot Organizing Board

31. March 2022 · Comments Off on XIV Belgrade Open Pre-Moot Opening · Categories: Announcement


The official XIV Belgrade Open Pre-Moot Opening will take place on Friday, 1 April 2022, at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law (amph. V) around 20h (upon completion of the Belgrade Arbitration Conference).

All students, coaches and arbitrators from 25 different countries will be greeted by the Pre-Moot organizers who will share some logistical information on Pre-Moot with them.

The list of participating teams is available here.

REGISTRATION FOR TEAMS will take place tomorrow from 18:00-20:00 in the entrance hall of the Faculty.
You will get your ID cards, certificates of participation AND vouchers for free drinks for a subsequent cocktail at the nearby restaurant Berliner.

For those of you arriving late – REGISTRATION FOR TEAMS will start on Saturday from 9:30 (for those having 11 o’clock round) and will go on throughout the day for the rest (also in the entrance hall of the Faculty).

Upon official opening, all students and coaches are invited for a welcome drink at the Berliner restaurant within 5 minutes walking distance from the Faculty. The welcome drinks are sponsored by our long-term co-organizer of the event DIS – German Arbitration Institute.


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REGISTRATION FOR ARBITRATORS will take place on both Saturday and Sunday from 10h-17h at the Faculty of Law, depending on your schedule.

If your first rounds (11h Saturday) is outside the Faculty – you can register at the location where you’re arbitrating.

Otherwise, we would appreciate if you all come to the Faculty on Saturday to get your ID cards and invitations for Schoenherr party which takes place on Saturday evening.

Arbitrators  will receive a separate invitation for a cocktail event organized by our co-organizer Karanovic/Partners law firm.

Tickets for the famous Moravcevic, Vojnovic & Partners in cooperation with Schoenherr party on Saturday will be handed out to the teams on Saturday from 16-18h at the registration desk at the Faculty.

As in the past, the farewell pre-moot party will take place at the Red Bar in Skadarlija bohemian quarter.

Last but not least, don’t forget to register for the under-40 conference Experts on Experts in arbitration sponsored by Wolf Theiss that will take place in the Historical Museum of Serbia.

07. February 2022 · Comments Off on XIV Belgrade Open Pre-Moot · Categories: Announcement, Pre-moot

Dear friends and colleagues,

The XIV Belgrade Open Pre-Moot will take place on weekend of 2-3 April 2022, and will be preceded by XII Belgrade Arbitration Conference on 1 April 2022.

The XIV Belgrade Open Pre-Moot will take form of an in-person event. Remote or hybrid hearings will not be organized.

Registration for the event is now open. If you would like to take part at the XIV Belgrade Open Pre-Moot, please fill in your details in this Event Registration Form by 7 March 2022 at the latest. The number of participating teams will be limited to 64. If you have any questions regarding the status of your registration, please contact the organizers via e-mail.

Please note that the registration fee is 50 EUR per team. Registration can be paid via wire transfer upon receipt of instructions for payment from the organizers. 

Teams who have paid registration fee for the XIII Belgrade Open Pre-Moot are exempted from payment of registration fee for this year’s event.

Also note that the amount of the registration fee is non-refundable in case of cancellation of the event or team’s participation for whatever reason.

Many thanks for your interest in our event.

We are looking forward to having you here in April.

Kind regards,

Belgrade Pre-Moot Organizing Board

27. November 2019 · Comments Off on XIII Belgrade Open Pre-Moot · Categories: Pre-moot

Dear friends and colleagues,

XIII Belgrade Open Pre-Moot will take place on weekend of 28-29 March 2020, and will be preceded by XII Belgrade Arbitration Conference on 27 March. The key-note speaker at the Conference will be Prof. Ingeborg Schwenzer.

Registration for the event is now open.

Please note that the registration fee is 50 EUR per team. Registration can be paid via wire transfer upon receipt of instructions for payment from the organizers.

Many thanks for your interest in our event.

We are looking forward to having you here in March.

Kind regards,

Belgrade Pre-Moot Organizing Board

30. March 2019 · Comments Off on XII Belgrade Open Pre-Moot Opening · Categories: Announcement, Pre-moot

The official XII Belgrade Open Pre-Moot Opening will take place on Friday, 5 April 2019, at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law (amph. V) around 20h (upon completion of the Belgrade Arbitration Conference).

All students, coaches and arbitrators will be greeted by the Pre-Moot organizers who will share some logistical information on Pre-Moot with them.

As a guest of honor – Ms. Partizia Netal – one of the co-organizers of the Vis Moot will also address the audience.

Upon official opening, all students are invited for a welcome drink at the Berliner restaurant within 5 minutes walking distance from the Faculty – our dedicated Nijinsky III admirer.


1930885d-001a-4f56-97c1-8cf9b9e4c24e berliner-i-leticia-331-before-after

Arbitrators and coaches will receive a separate invitation for a cocktail event organized by our co-organizer Karanovic/Partners law firm.

Berliner restaurant will also be the venue where over the weekend our pre-moot lunch-ons will be served free of charge thanks to the generosity of our co-organizer DIS – German Arbitration Institute.

More information on the famous Moravcevic, Vojnovic & Partners in cooperation with Schoenherr party on Saturday will be announced soon.

As in the past, the farewell pre-moot party will take place at the Red Bar in Skadarlija bohemian quarter.

Last but not least, don’t forget to register for the ICC YAF & Under 40 Section of the Serbian Arbitration Association: Debating hot topics in International Arbitration that will take place in Petrikic & Partners in cooperation with CMS law firm.


28. March 2019 · Comments Off on ICC YAF & Under 40 Section of the Serbian Arbitration Association: Debating Hot Topics in International Arbitration · Categories: Pre-moot

On the occasion of XII Belgrade Open Pre-Moot we have co-organized the ICC YAF & Under 40 Section of the Serbian Arbitration Association: Debating hot topics in International Arbitration.

For program and registration procedure see

The number of available seats is limited.